Overwhelmed? In an idea rut? Or too many options swirling?
Is it leaving your gut instinct feeling queasy?
You need a fresh take!
You’ve been wrestling with something for days or weeks, but just can’t pin it down.
You’ve been trying to come up with this new idea, but you can’t get past the blank page.
Maybe you have 10 million ideas or priorities and you need help sifting and sorting to zero in on the best path forward.
Perhaps it isn’t about business at all, but the rest of life where you feel stuck.
You wish you could think out loud with someone, but not just anyone, someone who knows business, yet can also support you on topics of life and leadership.
You’re in the right place.
It can be lonely running and growing a business on your own, day in and day out. While there are countless blessings being a business owner or leader, it can also take a toll. Sometimes you just need to talk it out with someone who gets it – all of it.
Whether it’s about creating new products, growing your team, fine tuning messaging, addressing overwhelm, or something else entirely,
in 50 minutes or less, I can…
… ask fresh questions
… have a fresh perspective
… share fresh ideas
… give you fresh feedback
… guide you to fresh solutions
… inspire fresh action.
That’s why I offer a Fresh Take in 50!
What to expect:
- These sessions fall somewhere on the continuum of coaching and strategic consulting, depending on what you need.
- We will spend up to 50 minutes laser focused on wherever you need a fresh take.
- I’m confident you’ll take lots of great notes. HOWEVER since we’ll be meeting by Zoom I’ll record the session and send you an mp3. That way you can focus on the conversation in the moment and go back to the recording for the details.
What NOT to expect:
It is just as important that you know what a Fresh Take call is not.
- We are not going to solve all the world’s problems, or all of yours, in 50 minutes. We’ll quickly focus on the specific issue you bring to the call.
- There won’t be any follow-up calls, emails or reports after I send the recording of the call. This is a quick, yet beneficial, coaching conversation.
- You are not locked into a multi-session coaching contract. This is a one shot deal. You can choose to repeat it as needed, or decide to work with me in an ongoing Coaching relationship if you wish.
Your investment is $100. Buy now by clicking the button below.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Becca for many years now. I’ve never left a conversation with her where I didn’t feel more informed and inspired than when I started. So it seemed like a natural fit to work with her as a coach. She has helped me tremendously with my business by being able to assess it from a birds-eye view and use her periscope vision to help me identify those things I was too close to see for myself. Her approach is both professional and relatable. Both my business and my personal life are better off for the sagacious questions she asks and input she provides.
— Christie N. – Brand Renovator, Brands Unboxed

In one session with Becca, I laid out the framework that has guided my business ever since. That session gave me clarity to move forward. Whether your challenge is in your life or your business, I promise you will benefit from a session with Becca!
— Jennifer W. – Coach, Clearing for Launch

When I get stuck or need help thinking through an idea to promote my business or bring in additional revenue, Becca is who I call. She has this special knack of asking the right questions. She then quickly comes up with ideas that are insightful, doable, and spot-on for what you need. Becca is my go-to secret weapon for getting off the hamster wheel and moving my business ideas forward.
— Vicki C. – Owner, Cannon Social Media Solutions
Book your session now!
A Fresh Take in 50 session includes:
- 50 minute laser focused call that is a magical blend of coaching and consulting.
- A recording of that call.
Your investment is $100.
Purchase your session by clicking the button below. Once I receive your payment you’ll receive an email from me to schedule our session.
Final Thought… How much is your time worth if you just keep spinning where you are? Invest $100 now to get a Fresh Take and move forward.
Who am I?
Hi, I’m Becca Korphage. I’m a Whole-life Leadership coach and strategist who supports clients to live and lead in alignment with ALL of who they are, their soul-goals, and their VIPs (values, ideals and priorities). I’ve been an independent business consultant and coach for over 15 years, with 15 years professional experience before that. My experience with clients and in my early career crosses the corporate, entrepreneurial, nonprofit and government environments in a broad range of industries.
But it’s my personal journey of working and living out of alignment and the subsequent crash of my wellbeing, life and business – and rebuilding – that led me to the focus of my work today…Aligned Living & Leadership.