The moon is a reminder
that no matter what phase you’re in
you’re always whole.
I’ve felt deeply connected to the natural cycles of the moon the last eight or so years, and started mindfully engaging that energy to keep me intentional and focused.
For eons humanity has relied on the moon as a marker for nature’s cycles, nightly, monthly, seasonally, annually. There are rhythms throughout nature, including everything in our lives, lest we forget we’re part of nature. I’ve found value in allowing the moon to be a guide for me as well.
In particular, the New Moon is a time to release what no longer serves, and set new intentions and goals for the coming weeks, as it is the end of one cycle and beginning of another. It’s a time to reconnect and recommit to what matters most, to live aligned with who you are and what you value.
I’m offering a FREE 1-hour virtual event the Saturday evening closest to the New Moon each month providing a container for my community to align and recommit to your priorities and intentions. It is a low-key, restorative evening that will engage mind, body, and spirit… with a little Girls Night vibe too.
I’ll Lead You Through…
- Deep breathing and guided meditation
- Gentle movement & mantras to release the old
- Sharing self-care
- Gratitude and intention setting
Soul-care Saturday Dates for 2023 – 8:00pm Central
- June 17
- July 15
- August 19
- September 16
- October 14
- November 11
- December 9
- January 13, 2024
- February 10, 2024
Sign-up below to get the Zoom login information and reminders sent to your email each month.
Who am I?
I’m a dot connector. I’m an idea wrangler and untangler, generator, expander, connector, and monetizer. I’m a holistic systems thinker, designer, and change catalyst.
I’m a Leadership Coach and Strategist who guides and supports you to live and lead in a way that is aligned with ALL of who you truly are and want to be.
You can read more about me here.