Your vision realized!
Whatever genius you’ve freed, designed and developed, now needs to be created into a tangible, workable, readable, doable, thing for your clients, customers and audience to be able to experience and/or buy.
Share Your Genius is about the production, marketing and launch of what you’ve created. It often takes a team to make it happen. I have awesome resources I’ve worked with on many clients’ projects. I can bring them to the table, or work with your trusted team.
Here’s how I work with you to share your genius:
We take what we’ve designed and developed and: publish the book, create the workbook, PowerPoints, record the webinar, conduct the telesummit, shoot the videos, conduct the interviews, record the audios, produce the live event, etc. Sometimes we might engage a designer to ensure branding consistency. This is the final product stage where it becomes the beautiful and brilliant thing your client experiences. Whatever it is, THIS is what you share with the world!
We set up the back office systems so that you can fulfill and deliver what you’re offering to the world. That may mean connecting your sales page with your shopping cart and your email marketing system. It may require other processes be created that engage other members of your team if it isn’t a fully automated product or a blend of the two. Systems to address customer questions and issues also need to be established. This is where my background in process design comes in handy. If necessary, we’ll work with your web developer or mine to make everything work as we need it.
Just because you build it doesn’t mean they will come. We have to launch this and share it with the world (hence the Share Your Genius title)! We will have been planning your launch early on, especially if we’re engaging affiliates or asking others to help promote your offering. We’ll create a sales and marketing plan that integrates with your editorial calendar (if you don’t operate off of one, we’ll talk about that too!). We’ll work with a graphic designer to create beautiful sales pages and marketing collateral as necessary.
There are a lot of little pieces that we’ll cover. The scope of the launch is dependent on what it is that you’re creating and sharing with the world. Some things need big fan fare…others more quietly arrive on the scene. No matter what, you don’t want to do all the work of creating an amazing product and then just throw it out there and see if it sticks. LAUNCH IT!
I only work on this phase of a project if I’ve been part of at least the design and development work in some way (ideally I like to be involved from the very beginning). It’s just not my style to jump in at the last minute to usher someone else’s work into the world. If you’re at this phase and we haven’t worked together before then I can make great referrals to others to help you. Reach out and let me make those connections.
Contact Becca at rmk@korsolutions.com or call 913.269.8317 to discuss your project