Publish Your Genius

Coming Soon!

“I want to write a book someday.” 

That is probably one of the most common things I hear. I work quite a bit with authors at various phases of the writing and publishing process. Now I want to create a program or series that would allow me to serve more people. In line with my Genius Series, it will be called Publish Your Genius.

I have a general idea of what to create. However, as with all things, the beauty and depth are in the details. I need you to tell me the topics that would matter most to you if you were to take this course / program – the difference that will make a difference in your quest to become an author.

What are your questions? What scares you or makes you nervous about starting, working on, finishing and/or launching your book? Do you want to understand the process, publishing options, or how to work with editors or ghostwriters? Are you wondering how to narrow your topic, organize your outline and make it interesting and useful to the reader?

There are so many nuances to planning for, writing, publishing and promoting a book. If a book is one of the ways you want to share your genius with the world, then Publish Your Genius will be a fantastic tool(s) to get your started.

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