You can have ideas. You can even have an outline or notes about your ideas. You don’t have a book, a training program, a video series, a telesummit, a keynote speech, an opt-in freebie, etc…until you have actual content.
Sculpt Your Genius is the detail work of designing and developing the products and other offerings you want to share with the world. This is where it gets real.
If you’re writing a book, you have to write it and move through an editorial and design process.
If you’re creating a training program, you have to design each module, write or otherwise create each element of the content and prepare it for production.
If you’re creating a video series, you have to write scripts and possibly storyboards before you move into production.
Simple or complex…
it still takes work to translate ideas into offerings.
Not everything is lengthy and complex. Some of the best selling products or freebie offerings that go viral are the simple ones. You still have to actually get past the idea stage and create it before you can share it with the world.
In this stage of The Genius Series, I can work with you in two ways in two categories of projects:
Authoring a book, or being part of an anthology is one of the best ways to gain instant credibility as an expert. It is also an excellent way to market yourself as a speaker or for interviews in every form of media.
Quality matters. You may hear of people who say you can write a book in a weekend. If writing comes easily for you and you’re on fire for a straight 72 hours, then sure, you might be able to do it. Will it be good? Just as having authored a book can quickly build credibility, putting shoddy content riddled with errors in print will quickly crush your reputation. It is worth taking your time and working with people who can guide you.
I have worked with authors both as a ghostwriter and as a developmental editor. I have worked on projects that were self-published as well as others that were taken on by traditional publishing houses. Each is its own process with pros and cons.
I help you publish your book in four ways:
- Book Proposal – If you want to be picked up by a publisher you will have to submit a book proposal. There is a particular formula that I have learned works well and is what is expected. Smaller publishers will accept proposals directly. Larger publishers will only accept proposals from a literary agent. I can work with you to craft a rock solid proposal for submission. We’d start with a Free Your Genius session and build the proposal from there.
- Ghostwriting – You have the wisdom. I have the words and the way. Writing a book is not easy even when you consider yourself a writer. It also takes a lot of time. I have ghostwritten several books for different authors. It is your expertise, your story, your genius. You’re the clay and the idea; I’m simply the sculptor with tools. We’ll work together to forge a book from your notes or writings, research, and interviews. Each project is unique, but we always start with a Free Your Genius session to kick off the development.
- Developmental Editor – Sometimes my clients write the book themselves. If you’re working with a publishing house they will assign an editor to develop the work with you. If you’re self-publishing it is best that you also work with an editor preferably throughout the writing process. It makes for a better end product and a less frustrating editorial process at the end. A developmental editor will edit content provided, provide ideas and questions for consideration and write original content to support the development of the work as a whole. I’ll also work with your copy editor and prepare the manuscript to be handed off for interior design and publication.
- Self-publishing Project Management – When you self-publish you have to manage the entire process beyond just writing the book. I can project manage this for you and work with designer(s) for interior and cover design, and take your book through the proof, galley, and final approval and publication process. I’ll also create a strategy for your book launch. This is really part of Share Your Genius, but it made sense to explain it here.
All Other Content / Offerings
Once you’ve freed your genius it is time to sculpt it into what it is meant to be. This is where we put some meat on the bones. Small, simple projects like a short freebie ebook are, well, simpler and require less time to come into fruition. Big, multi-faceted, complex projects are, well, complex and require more time to materialize. When we work together we’ll determine the desired launch date and form a realistic project plan to achieve it.
I help you fully develop your content / offerings in two ways:
- Content Development & Project Management – I fully engage with you and serve as the writer and content developer. You’re the expert with the vision of what to build. I’m the architect and crafts-woman to design and build it to detailed, glorious beauty. I can manage the project, whether it only includes you and me or requires outside experts or other members of your team. What exactly content development consists of is dependent on what we’re creating. Depending on what your project is and how clear and detailed you are when we first talk, we may start with a Free Your Genius session. Contact me to discuss your particular needs!
- Content Consultant & Editor – Some of my clients really just need support in the design and strategy for developing the offering. For example, they may develop all the content for their new training program, and all they want from me is a review, edits and feedback to enhance the work before it goes into production. I am more than happy to serve in this role. Contact me to discuss how I can serve you!
Contact Becca at rmk@korsolutions.com or 913.269.8317 to discuss your project.